| Pada kesempatan kali ini admin akan membagikan contoh soal bahasa Inggris kelas VIII materi pembelajaran must should dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban dan pembahasan. Semoga apa yang admin bagikan kali ini dapat membantu anak didik dalam mencari referensi tentang contoh soal bahasa Inggris kelas VIII materi pembelajaran must should dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban dan pembahasan. Adapun contoh soalnya adalah sebagai berikut.
1. Read the conversation below carefully. Then, answer the questions.
Budi: I want to turn on the fan but it doesn’t work. Santi: Of course. If you want to make the fan work, make sure that the electricity flows through it. Budi: Now I understand why the fan doesn’t work. There is a problem with the electricity. It has been cut since this afternoon. Santi: Yes. I hope the electricity company repairs the problem soon. Budi: They must. If they don’t, many people will get angry.
What must Budi do to make the fan turn on?
A. Click the 0 button
B. Cut the electricity
C. Wait it until it turn on
D. Flows electricity
Jawaban: D
Pada percakapan di atas, Budi tidak dapat menyalakan kipas angin karena tidak ada aliran listrik. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah D
2. Fill in the blank with the appropriate word.
Every student ... join the flag ceremony to celebrate the Independence Day
A. Will
B. Should
C. Must
D. Can
Jawaban: C
Setiap siswa harus mengikuti upacara bendera untuk memperingati hari kemerdekaan
3. Fill in the blank with the appropriate word.
People ... not throw rubbish to the river
A. Will
B. Can
C. Do
D. Should
Jawaban: D
Kalimat di atas seharusnya berbunyi “Orang-orang seharusnya tidak membuang sampah ke sungai. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah D
4. Choose the right sentence.
A. Must I obey my parents because I want to be a good child
B. I must obey my parents because I want to be a good child
C. I want to be a good child I must obey my parents
D. A good child I want to be I must obey my parents
Jawaban: B
Jawaban yang tepat adalah B. Kalimat B mempunyai urutan yang tepat
5. Arrange the words below into a good sentence.
Should – I – do – assignment – my – next – week – before
A. Should I do my assignment before next week
B. Should I my assignment do before next week
C. I should do my assignment before next week
D. should my assignment do before next week
Jawaban: C
Kalimat pada pilihan jawaban C mempunyai urutan yang tepat
6. Read the conversation below carefully.
Dian: Good afternoon Mr. Andi. About the assignment you gave us this morning, should I make a conversation with my friend?
Mr. Andi: You must make a conversation with your friend. It is what you need to do. The student number 1 will make a conversation with the student number 2, the student number 3 will make a conversation with the student number 4 and so on. Don’t make a conversation with any person. Is it clear?
Dian: Yes, Sir. When is the deadline?
Mr. Andi: You must submit it before next week.
Dian: Okay, Sir. Thank you for the information.
What is the conversation about?
A. It is about Dian’s assignment
B. Dian asks Mr. Andi about her assignment
C. Dian wants to submit her assignment
D. Dian does not know anything about her assignment
Jawaban: B
Percakapan di atas adalah tentang Dian yang bertanya pada Mr. Andi tentang tugasnya.
7. Read the conversation below carefully.
Dian: Good afternoon Mr. Andi. About the assignment you gave us this morning, should I make a conversation with my friend?
Mr. Andi: You must make a conversation with your friend. It is what you need to do. The student number 1 will make a conversation with the student number 2, the student number 3 will make a conversation with the student number 4 and so on. Don’t make a conversation with any person. Is it clear?
Dian: Yes, Sir. When is the deadline?
Mr. Andi: You must submit it before next week.
Dian: Okay, Sir. Thank you for the information.
If Dian is the student number 5, with whom does she make the conversation?
A. The student number 4
B. The student number 6
C. The student number 7
D. The student number 8
Jawaban: B
Pada percakapan di atas diterangkan bahwa murid nomor urut 1 akan membuat percakapan dengan siswa nomor urut 2, noror urut 3 akan bercakap-cakap dengan murid nomor urut 4. Jika Dian berada di nomor urut 5, maka dia akan bercakap=cakap dengan murid nomor urut 6
8. Read the conversation below carefully.
Dian: Good afternoon Mr. Andi. About the assignment you gave us this morning, should I make a conversation with my friend?
Mr. Andi: You must make a conversation with your friend. It is what you need to do. The student number 1 will make a conversation with the student number 2, the student number 3 will make a conversation with the student number 4 and so on. Don’t make a conversation with any person. Is it clear?
Dian: Yes, Sir. When is the deadline?
Mr. Andi: You must submit it before next week.
Dian: Okay, Sir. Thank you for the information.
When must the students submit the assignment?
A. Next week
B. Before next week
C. After next week
D. Today
Jawaban: B
Jawaban tersebut sesuai dengan pernyataan Mr. Andi: “You must submit it before next week.”
9. Read the conversation below carefully. Then, answer the questions.
Budi: I want to turn on the fan but it doesn’t work.
Santi: Of course. If you want to make the fan work, make sure that the electricity flows through it.
Budi: Now I understand why the fan doesn’t work. There is a problem with the electricity. It has been cut since this afternoon.
Santi: Yes. I hope the electricity company repairs the problem soon.
Budi: They must. If they don’t, many people will get angry.
Why can’t Budi turn on the fan?
A. Because the electricity is too good
B. Because they haven’t paid for the electricity
C. Because the electricity is being cut
D. Because the electricity is very expensive
Jawaban: C
Jawaban tersebut sesuai dengan kalimat “Budi: Now I understand why the fan doesn’t work. There is a problem with the electricity. It has been cut since this afternoon.” Pada kalimat yang dicetak tebal dapat diketahui bahwa aliran listrik sedang diputus karena terdapat masalah
10. Read the conversation below carefully. Then, answer the questions.
Budi: I want to turn on the fan but it doesn’t work.
Santi: Of course. If you want to make the fan work, make sure that the electricity flows through it.
Budi: Now I understand why the fan doesn’t work. There is a problem with the electricity. It has been cut since this afternoon.
Santi: Yes. I hope the electricity company repairs the problem soon.
Budi: They must. If they don’t, many people will get angry.
Why must the electricity company repair the problem soon?
A. Because many people do not need electricity
B. Because people really need it
C. Because people should not use the electricity
D. Because people will not be sad for it
Jawaban: B
Orang-orang sangat memerlukan listrik. Apabila listrik mati, mereka akan marah. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah B