| Pada kesempatan kali ini admin akan membagikan contoh soal bahasa Inggris kelas delapan materi pokok pembelajaran notice, short messages dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban terbaru. Semoga apa yang admin bagikan kali ini dapat membantu anak didik dalam mencari referensi tentang contoh soal bahasa Inggris kelas delapan materi pokok pembelajaran notice, short messages dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban dan pembahasan. Adapun contoh soal tersebut adalah sebagai berikut.
1. Read the announcement below carefully. Then, answer the questions.
To celebrate the Independence Day on August 17th, every student must wear the white blue uniform and wear the complete attributes of the uniform including wearing a hat, a tie, white socks, and black shoes. On 8 a.m. there will be a flag ceremony in the town square with other schools. To prepare it, you must arrive at school at 7.30 a.m. Thank you.
The Principal,
Santi Karlina, S.Pd.
What should students wear in the flag ceremony?
A. Hats
B. A white blue uniform
C. White shoes
D. Batik uniform
Jawaban: B
Jawaban tersebut sesuai dengan kalimat “every student must wear the white blue uniform.” Pada bagian yang dicetak tebal, diketahui bahwa siswa harus memakai seragam biru putih.
2. Read the announcement below carefully. Then, answer the questions.
To celebrate the Independence Day on August 17th, every student must wear the white blue uniform and wear the complete attributes of the uniform including wearing a hat, a tie, white socks, and black shoes. On 8 a.m. there will be a flag ceremony in the town square with other schools. To prepare it, you must arrive at school at 7.30 a.m.
Thank you.
The Principal,
Santi Karlina, S.Pd.
What time should students arrive at school?
A. 8 a.m
B. 9 a.m
C. 7.30 a.m
D. 7 a.m
Jawaban: C
Jawaban tersebut sesuai dengan kalimat “To prepare it, you must arrive at school at 7.30 a.m.”
3. Read the announcement below carefully. Then, answer the questions.
To celebrate the Independence Day on August 17th, every student must wear the white blue uniform and wear the complete attributes of the uniform including wearing a hat, a tie, white socks, and black shoes. On 8 a.m. there will be a flag ceremony in the town square with other schools. To prepare it, you must arrive at school at 7.30 a.m.
Thank you.
The Principal,
Santi Karlina, S.Pd.
Where is the flag ceremony held?
A. At school
B. At the town square
C. At the indoor room
D. At the cafeteria
Jawaban: B
Jawaban tersebut sesuai dengan kalimat “On 8 a.m. there will be a flag ceremony in the town square with other schools.”
4. Read the short message below carefully. Then, answer the questions.
I’m sorry Mom I take the key to school with me because you haven’t been back when I go to school. If you don’t have the other key, please take this key at school. With love, Diana
Why does Diana write the short message above?
A. To tell her mother that she goes to school
B. To tell her mother that she brings the key with her.
C. To tell her mother that she has another key
D. To tell her mother that she is at school
Jawaban: B
Pesan di atas bertujuan untuk memberi tahu ibu bahwa Diana membawa kunci rumah
5. Read the short message below carefully. Then, answer the questions
I’m sorry Mom I take the key to school with me because you haven’t been back when I go to school. If you don’t have the other key, please take this key at school. With love, Diana
What should mother do if she has the other key with her?
A. She needs to take the key at school
B. She doesn’t need to take the key at school
C. She needs to make another key
D. She needs to design a new key
Jawaban: B
Diana berpesan agar ibunya mengambil kunci ke sekolah kalau ibu tidak membawa kunci yang lain. Kalau ibu ada kunci yang lain, ibu tidak perlu ke sekolah untuk mengambil kunci.
6. Read the short message below carefully!
Good morning Mrs. Clara. I left my assignment on your table because I didn’t meet you when I submit it. Please check it. Sari Andini 9B
What did Sari Andini leave on the table?
A. Table
B. An assignment
C. A book
D. Mrs. Clara
Jawaban: B
Jawaban tersebut terdapat pada kalimat “I left my assignment on your table ..”
7. Read the short message below carefully!
Good morning Mrs. Clara. I left my assignment on your table because I didn’t meet you when I submit it. Please check it. Sari Andini 9B
What is probably the relationship between Sari Andini and Mrs. Clara?
A. They are friends
B. They are family
C. They are teacher and student
D. They are classmates
Jawaban: C
Mrs. Clara adalah guru Sari Andini karena Sari Andini mengumpulkan tugas pada Mrs. Clara.
8. Read the notice below carefully. Then, answer the questions.
The students who didn’t join the flag ceremony on Monday because of lateness have to meet Mr. Andika at 10 a.m. at the school yard. Mr. Andika To whom is the notice addressed?
A. Mr. Andika
B. The students
C. The students who didn’t join the flag ceremony
D. The students who join the flag ceremony
Jawaban: D
Pemberitahuan di atas ditujukan bagi siswa yang tidak mengikuti upacara hari Senin.
9. Read the notice below carefully. Then, answer the questions.
The students who didn’t join the flag ceremony on Monday because of lateness have to meet Mr. Andika at 10 a.m. at the school yard
Mr. Andika
Why didn’t the students join the flag ceremony?
A. Because they are lazy
B. Because they came to school late
C. Because they didn’t want to join it
D. Because they avoided it
Jawaban: B
Pemberitahuan di atas ditujukan bagi siswa yang tidak mengikuti upacara hari Senin karena keterlambatan. Oleh karena itu, mereka tidak mengikuti upacara karena datang terlambat
10. Read the notice below carefully. Then, answer the questions.
The students who didn’t join the flag ceremony on Monday because of lateness have to meet Mr. Andika at 10 a.m. at the school yard.
Mr. Andika
What will probably Mr. Andika do to the students?
A. He will get angry to them
B. He will advise the students not to be late again
C. He will tell the students a story
D. He will give them homework
Jawaban: B
Kemungkinan paling besar Mr. Andika akan menasehati murid-murid tersebut untuk tidak datang terlambat lagi.