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Contoh Soal Past Tense (Dilengkapi Pembahasan) | Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Revisi K13

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searchsoal.com | Pada kesempatan kali ini admin akan membagikan contoh soal bahasa Inggris kelas delapan SMP sub materi pokok pembelajaran past tense dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban dan pembahasan. Semoga apa yang admin bagikan kali ini dapat membantu anak didik dalam mencari referensi tentang contoh soal bahasa Inggris kelas delapan SMP sub materi pokok pembelajaran past tense dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban dan pembahasan. Adapun contoh soalnya adalah sebagai berikut!

Contoh Soal Past Tense (Dilengkapi Pembahasan) | Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Revisi K13

1. Read the conversation below. Then, answer the questions.

Damar: What did you do yesterday evening?

Liora: I did my homework.

Damar: Really? I called you yesterday but your mom said you were not at your room.

Liora: What time did you call me?

Damar: About 7 p.m.

Liora: Aaa at 7 p.m. I went outside with my father to have dinner. I forgot to bring my hand phone.

Damar: Didn’t you tell your mother that you went outside with your father?

Liora: I didn’t because my mom wasn’t at home when we left home. By the way, why did you call me?

Damar: I would like to ask you about the homework.

Liora: Did you finish it?

Damar: Yes, I did it last night.

What is probably the relationship between Liora and Damar?

A. They are siblings

B. They are family

C. They are classmates

D. They are teacher and student

Jawaban: C

Kemungkinan besar mereka adalah teman sekelas karena Damar menelfon Liora untuk bertanya tentang PR.

2. Read the conversation below. Then, answer the questions.

Damar: What did you do yesterday evening?

Liora: I did my homework.

Damar: Really? I called you yesterday but your mom said you were not at your room.

Liora: What time did you call me?

Damar: About 7 p.m.

Liora: Aaa at 7 p.m. I went outside with my father to have dinner. I forgot to bring my hand phone.

Damar: Didn’t you tell your mother that you went outside with your father?

Liora: I didn’t because my mom wasn’t at home when we left home. By the way, why did you call me?

Damar: I would like to ask you about the homework.

Liora: Did you finish it?

Damar: Yes, I did it last night.

Where did Liora go yesterday evening?

A. She went outside with her mom

B. She had dinner with her father

C. She went outside to do homework

D. She didn’t go anywhere

Jawaban: B

Jawaban tersebut sesuai dengan kalimat Liora: “Aaa at 7 p.m. I went outside with my father to have dinner. ..” Pada kalimat tersebut diketahui bahwa Liora pergi keluar untuk makan malam dengan ayahnya.

3. Read the conversation below. Then, answer the questions.

Damar: What did you do yesterday evening?

Liora: I did my homework.

Damar: Really? I called you yesterday but your mom said you were not at your room.

Liora: What time did you call me?

Damar: About 7 p.m.

Liora: Aaa at 7 p.m. I went outside with my father to have dinner. I forgot to bring my hand phone.

Damar: Didn’t you tell your mother that you went outside with your father?

Liora: I didn’t because my mom wasn’t at home when we left home. By the way, why did you call me?

Damar: I would like to ask you about the homework.

Liora: Did you finish it?

Damar: Yes, I did it last night.

Why did damar call Liora?

A. Because she wants to know where Liora was

B. Because she wanted to ask Liora about homework

C. Because she wanted to ask Liora about a subject

D. Because she missed her

Jawaban: B

Jawaban tersebut sesuai dengan kalimat Damar: “I would like to ask you about the homework.” Pada kalimat tersebut diketahui bahwa Damar ingin bertanya tentang PR kepada Liora.

4. Read the conversation below carefully. Then, answer the following questions.

Badi: Did you watch the football match between Manchester United and Real Madrid?

Petra: Yes, I did. The match was very excited. Both teams played all out.

Badi: Yes, they did. What team did you support?

Petra: I always support Manchester United. It is my favorite team. Unfortunately, last night Real Madrid won the match.

Badi: I was so glad that Real Madrid could win the match. They deserved it. They worked very hard to defend and finally they won it.

Petra: Yes. They worked really hard. Actually, Manchester United also worked very hard but this time Real Madrid worked harder. Maybe next time Manchester United will win the match.

Badi: I wish not.

What is the conversation about?

A. It is about a match

B. It is about a team

C. It is about a football player

D. It is about playing games

Jawaban: A

Percakapan di atas adalah tentang pertandingan sepak bola.

5. Read the conversation below carefully. Then, answer the following questions.

Badi: Did you watch the football match between Manchester United and Real Madrid?

Petra: Yes, I did. The match was very excited. Both teams played all out.

Badi: Yes, they did. What team did you support?

Petra: I always support Manchester United. It is my favorite team. Unfortunately, last night Real Madrid won the match.

Badi: I was so glad that Real Madrid could win the match. They deserved it. They worked very hard to defend and finally they won it.

Petra: Yes. They worked really hard. Actually, Manchester United also worked very hard but this time Real Madrid worked harder. Maybe next time Manchester United will win the match.

Badi: I wish not.

Which team won the match?

A. Real Madrid

B. Manchester United

C. No team won

D. Manchester City

Jawaban: A

Real Madrid memenangkan pertandingan. Hal tersebut sesuai dengan kalimat Petra: “I always support Manchester United. It is my favorite team. Unfortunately, last night Real Madrid won the match.” Pada kalimat yang dicetak tebal diketahui bahwa Real Madrid memenangkan pertandingan.

6. Read the conversation below carefully. Then, answer the following questions.

Badi: Did you watch the football match between Manchester United and Real Madrid?

Petra: Yes, I did. The match was very excited. Both teams played all out.

Badi: Yes, they did. What team did you support?

Petra: I always support Manchester United. It is my favorite team. Unfortunately, last night Real Madrid won the match.

Badi: I was so glad that Real Madrid could win the match. They deserved it. They worked very hard to defend and finally they won it.

Petra: Yes. They worked really hard. Actually, Manchester United also worked very hard but this time Real Madrid worked harder. Maybe next time Manchester United will win the match.

Badi: I wish not. What team does Badi like?

A. Real Madrid

B. Manchester United

C. Manchester City

D. Athletico Madrid

Jawaban: A

Badi menyukai Real Madrid. Jawaban tersebut sesuai dengan kalimat Badi: “I was so glad that Real Madrid could win the match.” Pada kalimat yang dicetak tebal diketahui bahwa Badi senang karena Real Madrid memenangkan pertandingan tersebut. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa team yang Badi sukai adalah Real Madrid.

7. Fill in the blank with the right form of verb.

Sintya : Where _______ you buy that bag?

Rina : I _________ it in Mayasari Mall.

Sintya : How much ________ it?

Rina : It _________ only IDR 200.000.

A. do

B. did

C. have

D. has

Jawaban: B

Sintya bertanya kepada Rina di mana dia membeli tasnya. Rina membeli tas tersebut di masa lampau. Oleh karena itu, kalimat Tanya yang digunakan harus dalam bentuk past tense sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

8. Fill in the blank with the right form of verb.

Sintya : Where _______ you buy that bag?

Rina : I _________ it in Mayasari Mall.

Sintya : How much ________ it?

Rina : It _________ only IDR 200.000.

A. Buy

B. bought

C. brought

D. bring

Jawaban: A

Bentuk past dari buy adalah bought. Oleh karena itu kalimat yang tepat adalah B.

9. Fill in the blank with the right form of verb.

Sintya : Where _______ you buy that bag?

Rina : I _________ it in Mayasari Mall.

Sintya : How much ________ it?

Rina : It _________ only IDR 200.000.

A. is

B. are

C. was

D. were

awaban: C

Sintya bertanya harga tas tersebut. Tas tersebut merupakan kata benda tunggal. Oleh karena itu, kata Tanya yang digunakan adalah was. Sehingga menjadi “How much was it?”

10. Fill in the blank with the right form of verb.

Sintya : Where _______ you buy that bag?

Rina : I _________ it in Mayasari Mall.

Sintya : How much ________ it?

Rina : It _________ only IDR 200.000.

A. is

B. are

C. was

D. were

Jawaban: C

Menjawab pertanyaan Sintya tentang “How much was it?” maka jawaban yang tepat adalah “It was IDR 200.000.”

Demikianlah yang dapat admin bagikan tentang beberapa contoh soal yang berkaitan dengan mata pelajaran tersebut di atas. Semoga contoh soal yang admin bagikan kali ini dapat membantu anak didik dalam memahami soal-soal yang diujikan di sekolah. Dan harapannya, soal-soal ini dapat memberikan dampak positif yang baik bagi perkembangan dan kemajuan belajar anak didik dalam mengerjakan soal-soal yang diujikan oleh Bapak dan Ibu Guru di sekolah. Selamat belajar dan semoga kalian menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik, cerdas, dan kompetitif. Sekian dan terima kasih.

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Related : Contoh Soal Past Tense (Dilengkapi Pembahasan) | Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII Revisi K13

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