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Kumpulan 25+ Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris (Semester 1) Kelas XI Dilengkapi Pembahasan

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Kumpulan 25+ Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris (Semester 1) Kelas XI Dilengkapi Pembahasan
1. Read the conversation below carefully. Then, answer the following questions.

Dian: I’m really confused about what I should do. Anita is my best friend at school and she invited me to join her club because she needs more people to join her club. Sally also offered me to join her club. I love Sally’s club because playing music is my passion but if I join Sally’s club, I cannot join Anita’s club. I don’t really like to join the Youth Red Cross though but she is my friend. I’m afraid if she gets angry at me if I don’t join her club. She is very temperamental. I don’t want to ruin our friendship.

Budi: I think you should talk to Anita and explain to her that you cannot join her club. If it’s not your passion, you will not be happy.

Dian: But it may break our relationship. She is the chief leader of the club and she gives me a special opportunity to join her club. It’s difficult for me to give understanding to her.

Budi: She may not be that serious when she offered the chance to you. You should not be worried about this. I suggest that you talk to her and explain to her that you cannot join youth red cross because you want to join music club. If she is a true friend, she will not get angry or disappointed at you. If she gets upset and angry at you, it’s not your fault. It’s her problem.

Dian: Really? Are you sure about it?

Budi: Of course. She cannot force anyone to do whatever she wants. This is your life so you decide, not her. Okay?

Dian: Thanks Budi. You’re really a good brother.

Budi: Don’t mention it. Is it difficult to talk to Anita? Do you want me to talk to her for you?

Dian: Thanks Budi. I think I can handle it. Well, I’m going to make dinner. Shall I make it for you?

Budi: Sure. Thanks Dian.

What is the conversation about?
A. It’s about Dian’s dilemma
B. It’s about how Dian should talk to Anita
C. It’s about how Dian talk to Budi
D. It’s about the problem that Budi ask
E. It’s about how Dian should join a club

Jawaban: A

Percakapan di atas merupakan menceritakan tentang dilema Dian untuk memilih klub yang akan dia ikuti

2. Read the conversation below carefully. Then, answer the following questions.

Dian: I’m really confused about what I should do. Anita is my best friend at school and she invited me to join her club because she needs more people to join her club. Sally also offered me to join her club. I love Sally’s club because playing music is my passion but if I join Sally’s club, I cannot join Anita’s club. I don’t really like to join the Youth Red Cross though but she is my friend. I’m afraid if she gets angry at me if I don’t join her club. She is very temperamental. I don’t want to ruin our friendship.

Budi: I think you should talk to Anita and explain to her that you cannot join her club. If it’s not your passion, you will not be happy.

Dian: But it may break our relationship. She is the chief leader of the club and she gives me a special opportunity to join her club. It’s difficult for me to give understanding to her.

Budi: She may not be that serious when she offered the chance to you. You should not be worried about this. I suggest that you talk to her and explain to her that you cannot join youth red cross because you want to join music club. If she is a true friend, she will not get angry or disappointed at you. If she gets upset and angry at you, it’s not your fault. It’s her problem.

Dian: Really? Are you sure about it?

Budi: Of course. She cannot force anyone to do whatever she wants. This is your life so you decide, not her. Okay?

Dian: Thanks Budi. You’re really a good brother.

Budi: Don’t mention it. Is it difficult to talk to Anita? Do you want me to talk to her for you?

Dian: Thanks Budi. I think I can handle it. Well, I’m going to make dinner. Shall I make it for you?

Budi: Sure. Thanks Dian.

What makes Dian confused?
A. Because Anita is her good friend but she doesn’t like to join her club
B. Because Dian does not like to join any club
C. Because the club she likes is closed
D. Because Dian doesn’t have a friend to join the club
E. Because Dian doesn’t like music

Jawaban: A

Jawaban tersebut sesuai dengan kalimat Dian: “I’m really confused about what I should do. Anita is my best friend at school and she invited me to join her club because she needs more people to join her club. Sally also offered me to join her club. I love Sally’s club because playing music is my passion but if I join Sally’s club, I cannot join Anita’s club. I don’t really like to join the Youth Red Cross though but she is my friend. I’m afraid if she gets angry at me if I don’t join her club. She is very temperamental. I don’t want to ruin our friendship.” Pada kalimat yang dicetak tebal diceritakan bagaimana Dian bingung untuk mengikuti club musik atau palang merah remaja. Dia menyukai klub musik tetapi dia tidak mau merusak hubungannya dengan Anita jika dia tidak ikut klub Anita

3. Read the conversation below carefully. Then, answer the following questions.

Dian: I’m really confused about what I should do. Anita is my best friend at school and she invited me to join her club because she needs more people to join her club. Sally also offered me to join her club. I love Sally’s club because playing music is my passion but if I join Sally’s club, I cannot join Anita’s club. I don’t really like to join the Youth Red Cross though but she is my friend. I’m afraid if she gets angry at me if I don’t join her club. She is very temperamental. I don’t want to ruin our friendship.

Budi: I think you should talk to Anita and explain to her that you cannot join her club. If it’s not your passion, you will not be happy.

Dian: But it may break our relationship. She is the chief leader of the club and she gives me a special opportunity to join her club. It’s difficult for me to give understanding to her.

Budi: She may not be that serious when she offered the chance to you. You should not be worried about this. I suggest that you talk to her and explain to her that you cannot join youth red cross because you want to join music club. If she is a true friend, she will not get angry or disappointed at you. If she gets upset and angry at you, it’s not your fault. It’s her problem.

Dian: Really? Are you sure about it?

Budi: Of course. She cannot force anyone to do whatever she wants. This is your life so you decide, not her. Okay?

Dian: Thanks Budi. You’re really a good brother.

Budi: Don’t mention it. Is it difficult to talk to Anita? Do you want me to talk to her for you?

Dian: Thanks Budi. I think I can handle it. Well, I’m going to make dinner. Shall I make it for you?

Budi: Sure. Thanks Dian.

From the conversation above, we can say that ...
A. Budi is Dian’s friend
B. Budi talks to Anita often
C. Budi can play music well
D. Dian likes music so much
E. Dian is Anita’s friend

Jawaban: E

Jawaban tersebut terdapat pada kalimat Dian: “I’m really confused about what I should do. Anita is my best friend at school ...” pada kalimat tersebut disebutkan bahwa Anita adalah sahabat terbaik Dian

4. Read the conversation below carefully. Then, answer the following questions.

Dian: I’m really confused about what I should do. Anita is my best friend at school and she invited me to join her club because she needs more people to join her club. Sally also offered me to join her club. I love Sally’s club because playing music is my passion but if I join Sally’s club, I cannot join Anita’s club. I don’t really like to join the Youth Red Cross though but she is my friend. I’m afraid if she gets angry at me if I don’t join her club. She is very temperamental. I don’t want to ruin our friendship.

Budi: I think you should talk to Anita and explain to her that you cannot join her club. If it’s not your passion, you will not be happy.

Dian: But it may break our relationship. She is the chief leader of the club and she gives me a special opportunity to join her club. It’s difficult for me to give understanding to her.

Budi: She may not be that serious when she offered the chance to you. You should not be worried about this. I suggest that you talk to her and explain to her that you cannot join youth red cross because you want to join music club. If she is a true friend, she will not get angry or disappointed at you. If she gets upset and angry at you, it’s not your fault. It’s her problem.

Dian: Really? Are you sure about it?

Budi: Of course. She cannot force anyone to do whatever she wants. This is your life so you decide, not her. Okay?

Dian: Thanks Budi. You’re really a good brother.

Budi: Don’t mention it. Is it difficult to talk to Anita? Do you want me to talk to her for you?

Dian: Thanks Budi. I think I can handle it. Well, I’m going to make dinner. Shall I make it for you?

Budi: Sure. Thanks Dian.

After the conversation above, what probably Dian do?
A. Talk to Anita and join music club
B. Talk to Anita and join her club
C. Talk to Budi again
D. Do not talk to Anita and join her club
E. Do not talk to Anita and join music club

Jawaban: A

Jawaban tersebut sesuai dengan pernyataan Budi: “... . I suggest that you talk to her and explain to her that you cannot join youth red cross because you want to join music club. ...” pada kalimat tersebut Budi menyarankan agar Dian berbicara pada Anita dan memberi penjelasan kepadanya bahwa Dian tidak bisa ikut klubnya. Setelah itu, Dian ikut klub musik

5. Read the conversation below carefully. Then, answer the following questions.

Dian: I’m really confused about what I should do. Anita is my best friend at school and she invited me to join her club because she needs more people to join her club. Sally also offered me to join her club. I love Sally’s club because playing music is my passion but if I join Sally’s club, I cannot join Anita’s club. I don’t really like to join the Youth Red Cross though but she is my friend. I’m afraid if she gets angry at me if I don’t join her club. She is very temperamental. I don’t want to ruin our friendship.

Budi: I think you should talk to Anita and explain to her that you cannot join her club. If it’s not your passion, you will not be happy.

Dian: But it may break our relationship. She is the chief leader of the club and she gives me a special opportunity to join her club. It’s difficult for me to give understanding to her.

Budi: She may not be that serious when she offered the chance to you. You should not be worried about this. I suggest that you talk to her and explain to her that you cannot join youth red cross because you want to join music club. If she is a true friend, she will not get angry or disappointed at you. If she gets upset and angry at you, it’s not your fault. It’s her problem.

Dian: Really? Are you sure about it

Budi: Of course. She cannot force anyone to do whatever she wants. This is your life so you decide, not her. Okay?

Dian: Thanks Budi. You’re really a good brother.

Budi: Don’t mention it. Is it difficult to talk to Anita? Do you want me to talk to her for you?

Dian: Thanks Budi. I think I can handle it. Well, I’m going to make dinner. Shall I make it for you?

Budi: Sure. Thanks Dian.

The word “upset” is synonymous with ...
A. Happy
B. Glad
C. Disappointed
D. Relieved
E. Stressed

Jawaban: C

Upset bersinonim dengan kata disappointed

6. Read the conversation below carefully. Then, answer the following questions.

Danang: What do you think about study from home forever? Do you agree with that opinion?

Josh: I don’t agree. It’s very boring for me because I like to meet friends and I like outside activities. If I study from home and only do my activities with my laptop, I will be crazy. Study for me is doing something on the field and finding something new. I like to analyze things on the field. It’s okay for me to use my laptop but I only use it to search information about what I need to know and make writing about it. If I need to use my laptop forever, my eyes will be tired and I don’t have my mood to study anymore. What about you?

Danang: I’m okay with that idea. Different from you, I like to study with my laptop. I like to watch videos about the materials that should be taught at school. I also hate sports so much. If I study from home, I can avoid it. However, I get bored. I also want to go outside and have holiday.

Josh: If you study from home, you cannot meet your friends. Is that okay?

Danang: That’s okay. In fact, I can meet them after school. I can also join some clubs and meet friends there. I can also learn something new from the friends of the clubs I join. The problem is that if I don’t join any clubs, I will not have many friends.

Josh: It’s like you do homeschooling.

Danang: Yes. I think it is similar to homeschooling. But, it’s still different. If you do homeschooling, you don’t have classmates. If you study from home, you still have classmates. You just don’t meet your friends every day.

Josh: That’s something I don’t like. I want to meet friends. I want to do crazy things with them. I don’t want to spend my time at home alone because my parents work.

Why does Danang ask Josh if he agrees to study from home forever?
A. To know more about study from home
B. To know how Josh agrees to study from home
C. To know Josh’s opinion about it
D. To know the problems of study from home
E. To know his explanation about study from home

Jawaban: C

Danang bertanya apakah Josh setuju untuk belajar dari rumah selamanya karena dia ingin tahu pendapat Josh tentang hal tersebut

7. Read the conversation below carefully. Then, answer the following questions.

Danang: What do you think about study from home forever? Do you agree with that opinion?

Josh: I don’t agree. It’s very boring for me because I like to meet friends and I like outside activities. If I study from home and only do my activities with my laptop, I will be crazy. Study for me is doing something on the field and finding something new. I like to analyze things on the field. It’s okay for me to use my laptop but I only use it to search information about what I need to know and make writing about it. If I need to use my laptop forever, my eyes will be tired and I don’t have my mood to study anymore. What about you?

Danang: I’m okay with that idea. Different from you, I like to study with my laptop. I like to watch videos about the materials that should be taught at school. I also hate sports so much. If I study from home, I can avoid it. However, I get bored. I also want to go outside and have holiday.

Josh: If you study from home, you cannot meet your friends. Is that okay?

Danang: That’s okay. In fact, I can meet them after school. I can also join some clubs and meet friends there. I can also learn something new from the friends of the clubs I join. The problem is that if I don’t join any clubs, I will not have many friends.

Josh: It’s like you do homeschooling.

Danang: Yes. I think it is similar to homeschooling. But, it’s still different. If you do homeschooling, you don’t have classmates. If you study from home, you still have classmates. You just don’t meet your friends every day.

Josh: That’s something I don’t like. I want to meet friends. I want to do crazy things with them. I don’t want to spend my time at home alone because my parents work.

From the conversation above, what is probably Danang’s relationship with Josh?
A. They are family
B. They are friends
C. They are colleagues
D. They are co-workers
E. They are soul mates

Jawaban: B

kemungkinan besar mereka adalah teman. Mereka berbicara tentang sekolah. Hal tersebut menandakan bahwa kurang lebih mereka seumuran dan mereka saling berkomunikasi. Oleh karena itu, kemungkinan mereka adalah teman

8. Read the conversation below carefully. Then, answer the following questions.

Danang: What do you think about study from home forever? Do you agree with that opinion?

Josh: I don’t agree. It’s very boring for me because I like to meet friends and I like outside activities. If I study from home and only do my activities with my laptop, I will be crazy. Study for me is doing something on the field and finding something new. I like to analyze things on the field. It’s okay for me to use my laptop but I only use it to search information about what I need to know and make writing about it. If I need to use my laptop forever, my eyes will be tired and I don’t have my mood to study anymore. What about you?

Danang: I’m okay with that idea. Different from you, I like to study with my laptop. I like to watch videos about the materials that should be taught at school. I also hate sports so much. If I study from home, I can avoid it. However, I get bored. I also want to go outside and have holiday.

Josh: If you study from home, you cannot meet your friends. Is that okay?

Danang: That’s okay. In fact, I can meet them after school. I can also join some clubs and meet friends there. I can also learn something new from the friends of the clubs I join. The problem is that if I don’t join any clubs, I will not have many friends.

Josh: It’s like you do homeschooling.

Danang: Yes. I think it is similar to homeschooling. But, it’s still different. If you do homeschooling, you don’t have classmates. If you study from home, you still have classmates. You just don’t meet your friends every day.

Josh: That’s something I don’t like. I want to meet friends. I want to do crazy things with them. I don’t want to spend my time at home alone because my parents work.

What does Josh think about study from home forever?
A. It’s very boring
B. It’s very stressful
C. It’s okay
D. It’s distressed
E. It’s not good

Jawaban: A

Jawaban tersebut sesuai dengan kalimat Josh: “I don’t agree. It’s very boring for me because I like to meet friends and I like outside activities. ...”

9. Read the conversation below carefully. Then, answer the following questions.

Danang: What do you think about study from home forever? Do you agree with that opinion?

Josh: I don’t agree. It’s very boring for me because I like to meet friends and I like outside activities. If I study from home and only do my activities with my laptop, I will be crazy. Study for me is doing something on the field and finding something new. I like to analyze things on the field. It’s okay for me to use my laptop but I only use it to search information about what I need to know and make writing about it. If I need to use my laptop forever, my eyes will be tired and I don’t have my mood to study anymore. What about you?

Danang: I’m okay with that idea. Different from you, I like to study with my laptop. I like to watch videos about the materials that should be taught at school. I also hate sports so much. If I study from home, I can avoid it. However, I get bored. I also want to go outside and have holiday.

Josh: If you study from home, you cannot meet your friends. Is that okay?

Danang: That’s okay. In fact, I can meet them after school. I can also join some clubs and meet friends there. I can also learn something new from the friends of the clubs I join. The problem is that if I don’t join any clubs, I will not have many friends.

Josh: It’s like you do homeschooling.

Danang: Yes. I think it is similar to homeschooling. But, it’s still different. If you do homeschooling, you don’t have classmates. If you study from home, you still have classmates. You just don’t meet your friends every day.

Josh: That’s something I don’t like. I want to meet friends. I want to do crazy things with them. I don’t want to spend my time at home alone because my parents work.

What does not Danang like about studying from home?
A. He needs to watch the laptops all of the time
B. He cannot meet his friends
C. He can join some clubs outside the schools
D. He cannot have many friends
E. He cannot play laptops

Jawaban: C

Jawaban tersebut sesuai dengan kalimat Danang: “That’s okay. In fact, I can meet them after school. I can also join some clubs and meet friends there. I can also learn something new from the friends of the clubs I join.” Pada pernyataan tersebut dijelaskan bahwa Danang bisa bertemu teman setelah kelas. Dia juga bisa ikut beberapa klub dan bertemu teman di sana. Oleh karena itu jawaban yang tepat adalah C

10. Read the conversation below carefully. Then, answer the following questions.

Danang: What do you think about study from home forever? Do you agree with that opinion?

Josh: I don’t agree. It’s very boring for me because I like to meet friends and I like outside activities. If I study from home and only do my activities with my laptop, I will be crazy. Study for me is doing something on the field and finding something new. I like to analyze things on the field. It’s okay for me to use my laptop but I only use it to search information about what I need to know and make writing about it. If I need to use my laptop forever, my eyes will be tired and I don’t have my mood to study anymore. What about you?

Danang: I’m okay with that idea. Different from you, I like to study with my laptop. I like to watch videos about the materials that should be taught at school. I also hate sports so much. If I study from home, I can avoid it. However, I get bored. I also want to go outside and have holiday.

Josh: If you study from home, you cannot meet your friends. Is that okay?

Danang: That’s okay. In fact, I can meet them after school. I can also join some clubs and meet friends there. I can also learn something new from the friends of the clubs I join. The problem is that if I don’t join any clubs, I will not have many friends.

Josh: It’s like you do homeschooling.

Danang: Yes. I think it is similar to homeschooling. But, it’s still different. If you do homeschooling, you don’t have classmates. If you study from home, you still have classmates. You just don’t meet your friends every day.

Josh: That’s something I don’t like. I want to meet friends. I want to do crazy things with them. I don’t want to spend my time at home alone because my parents work.

From the conversation above, the statement below is incorrect ...
A. Josh is glad to study from home
B. Josh is very bored to study from home
C. Josh likes to meet friends
D. Josh likes to do outside activities
E. Josh likes to communicate with friends

Jawaban: A

Jawaban tersebut sesuai dengan pernyataan Josh: “I don’t agree. It’s very boring for me because I like to meet friends and I like outside activities.” Jawaban A salah karena Josh tidak suka belajar dari rumah. Menurutnya, belajar dari rumah itu membosankan

11. Read the letter below carefully. After that, answer the following questions.


Manggis Street Number 4, Solo, Central Java

June 13, 2020

Dear Sir/Madam,

Due to some programs that have been discussed by teachers and school committee, we would like parents to come to a meeting about the further process of the programs. The programs that will be discussed are written as follow:

  1. New extracurricular activities for students from Grade X and Grade XI.
  2. Additional learning program for students from Grade X and Grade XI.
  3. Additional learning program for students from Grade XII.

First, the representatives of the teachers and committee will present the programs. Then, parents may ask for questions and give suggestions. At the end of the meeting there will be voting to decide if the programs are accepted or refused. The meeting will be held on June 16, 2020 at 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Thank you very much for your cooperation. We look forward to meeting you soon.

Sincerely Yours,

The Head of Public Relations Division

Sari Purnama S,Pd.

What is the letter about?
A. It is an invitation to join a school anniversary
B. It is an invitation to attend a meeting
C. It is an explanation of what parents should do
D. It is a description about doing an event
E. It is a manual to do something

Jawaban: B

Surat di atas adalah surat undangan untuk menghadiri pertemuan. Hal tersebut didukung dengan kalimat “Due to some programs that have been discussed by teachers and school committee, we would like parents to come to a meeting about the further process of the programs.”

12. Read the letter below carefully. After that, answer the following questions.


Manggis Street Number 4, Solo, Central Java

June 13, 2020

Dear Sir/Madam,

Due to some programs that have been discussed by teachers and school committee, we would like parents to come to a meeting about the further process of the programs. The programs that will be discussed are written as follow:

  1. New extracurricular activities for students from Grade X and Grade XI.
  2. Additional learning program for students from Grade X and Grade XI.
  3. Additional learning program for students from Grade XII.

First, the representatives of the teachers and committee will present the programs. Then, parents may ask for questions and give suggestions. At the end of the meeting there will be voting to decide if the programs are accepted or refused. The meeting will be held on June 16, 2020 at 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Thank you very much for your cooperation. We look forward to meeting you soon.

Sincerely Yours,

The Head of Public Relations Division

Sari Purnama S,Pd.

Who will not be in the meeting?
A. School committee
B. Parents
C. Teachers
D. The head master
E. Students

Jawaban: E

Siswa tidak diundang di dalam pertemuan tersebut. Kepala sekolah wajib datang karena pertemuan tersebut juga merupakan tanggung jawab dari kepala sekolah

13. Read the letter below carefully. After that, answer the following questions.


Manggis Street Number 4, Solo, Central Java

June 13, 2020

Dear Sir/Madam,

Due to some programs that have been discussed by teachers and school committee, we would like parents to come to a meeting about the further process of the programs. The programs that will be discussed are written as follow:

  1. New extracurricular activities for students from Grade X and Grade XI.
  2. Additional learning program for students from Grade X and Grade XI.
  3. Additional learning program for students from Grade XII.

First, the representatives of the teachers and committee will present the programs. Then, parents may ask for questions and give suggestions. At the end of the meeting there will be voting to decide if the programs are accepted or refused. The meeting will be held on June 16, 2020 at 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Thank you very much for your cooperation. We look forward to meeting you soon.

Sincerely Yours,

The Head of Public Relations Division

Sari Purnama S,Pd.

The meeting will consist of ... EXCEPT
A. Presentation session
B. Question and answer sessio
C. Voting
D. Giving suggestion
E. Introduction

Jawaban: E

Introduction tidak masuk ke dalam susunan acara dari pertemuan tersebut. Jawaban tersebut sesuai dengan kalimat “First, the representatives of the teachers and committee will present the programs. Then, parents may ask for questions and give suggestions. At the end of the meeting there will be voting to decide if the programs are accepted or refused.”

14. Read the letter below carefully. After that, answer the following questions.


Manggis Street Number 4, Solo, Central Java

June 13, 2020

Dear Sir/Madam,

Due to some programs that have been discussed by teachers and school committee, we would like parents to come to a meeting about the further process of the programs. The programs that will be discussed are written as follow:

  • New extracurricular activities for students from Grade X and Grade XI.
  • Additional learning program for students from Grade X and Grade XI.
  • Additional learning program for students from Grade XII.

First, the representatives of the teachers and committee will present the programs. Then, parents may ask for questions and give suggestions. At the end of the meeting there will be voting to decide if the programs are accepted or refused. The meeting will be held on June 16, 2020 at 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Thank you very much for your cooperation. We look forward to meeting you soon.

Sincerely Yours,

The Head of Public Relations Division

Sari Purnama S,Pd.

What should not parents do in the meeting?
A. Listening to the presentation
B. Giving suggestions
C. Asking questions
D. Vote for the program
E. Give answers

Jawaban: E

Orang tua tidak memberikan jawaban. Oleh karena itu jawaban yang tepat adalah E.

15. Read the letter below carefully. After that, answer the following questions.


Manggis Street Number 4, Solo, Central Java

June 13, 2020

Dear Sir/Madam,

Due to some programs that have been discussed by teachers and school committee, we would like parents to come to a meeting about the further process of the programs. The programs that will be discussed are written as follow:

  1. New extracurricular activities for students from Grade X and Grade XI.
  2. Additional learning program for students from Grade X and Grade XI.
  3. Additional learning program for students from Grade XII.

First, the representatives of the teachers and committee will present the programs. Then, parents may ask for questions and give suggestions. At the end of the meeting there will be voting to decide if the programs are accepted or refused. The meeting will be held on June 16, 2020 at 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Thank you very much for your cooperation. We look forward to meeting you soon.

Sincerely Yours,

The Head of Public Relations Division

Sari Purnama S,Pd.

From the conversation above, we can infer that ....
A. Parents should contribute to the school programs
B. Parents should not come to the meeting
C. Teachers are not allowed to come to the meeting
D. There will be 2 sessions of the meeting
E. Everyone is invited to the meeting

Jawaban: B

Orang tua harus berkontribusi terhadap program sekolah. Oleh karena itu orang tua diundang untuk rapat tentang program sekolah

16. Read the conversation below carefully. Then, answer the following questions.

Nita: How did you make the butterfly pea drink

Sandi: Are you curious about it? Yes, it is a bit different. Something is added to it. Can you guess what is added?

Nita: I don’t know.

Sandi: Lemon is added. If nothing is added, it will be dark blue. If lemon is added, it will be purple. Sugar is also added if you want it to be a bit sweet.

Nita: But I don’t see a slice of lemon in that drink. Where is it?

Sandi: Well, I don’t put a slice of lemon in it. I squeezed it. Don’t squeeze it too much. It will be sour.

Nita: Okay, now I understand it. I like it without sugar. My body will be bigger if I consume much sugar.

Sandi: That’s good.

Why is the drink purple?
A. Because it is without sugar
B. Because lemon is added
C. Because sugar is added
D. Because it is colored purple
E. Because it is healthy

Jawaban: B

Jawaban tersebut sesuai dengan pernyataan Sandi: “Lemon is added. If nothing is added, it will be dark blue. If lemon is added, it will be purple. ...” minuman tersebut ditambah dengan lemon sehinga warnanya menjadi ungu

17. Read the conversation below carefully. Then, answer the following questions.

Nita: How did you make the butterfly pea drink?

Sandi: Are you curious about it? Yes, it is a bit different. Something is added to it. Can you guess what is added?

Nita: I don’t know.

Sandi: Lemon is added. If nothing is added, it will be dark blue. If lemon is added, it will be purple. Sugar is also added if you want it to be a bit sweet.

Nita: But I don’t see a slice of lemon in that drink. Where is it?

Sandi: Well, I don’t put a slice of lemon in it. I squeezed it. Don’t squeeze it too much. It will be sour.

Nita: Okay, now I understand it. I like it without sugar. My body will be bigger if I consume much sugar.

Sandi: That’s good.

Butterfly pea is ... in Indonesia
A. Jahe
B. Bunga telang
C. Bunga mawar
D. Bunga melati
E. Lemon

Jawaban: B

Butterfly pea adalah bunga telang 

18. Read the text below carefully. Then, answer the following questions.

Dear Bambang,

A new phone has been bought by my brother. The phone is hunted everywhere. Can you guess what phone it is? Yes, it is the newest product of Apple. It’s iPhone 11. The phone specification and features have been believed to be the most credible phone on Earth with high level of security. It was proudly made for those who look for good phones with security and my brother look for it badly. All of his extra money has been saved since a year ago to buy this product. My brother said that he didn’t want to buy the product in installments. His saving money has enabled him to get the product. Now, he happily uses it in his daily life.

I heard from Monica that you also want to buy iPhone 11. Is that true? Has it been landed at your home now? I’m curious about your story. I know exactly that you love technology and you look for good products of laptops and phones. It’s very good if you have iPhone 11 now. Tell me soon. With love, Sara

Why does Sara write the text above?
A. To tell Bambang about the latest information about herself
B. To tell Bambang about her brother buying a new phone
C. To explain to Bambang about how to buy a new phone
D. To amuse Bambang with a new phone
E. To describe the features of iPhone 11

Jawaban: B

Sara menulis surat di atas untuk memberi tahu Bambang bahwa kakaknya membeli handphone baru

19. Read the text below carefully. Then, answer the following questions.

Dear Bambang,

A new phone has been bought by my brother. The phone is hunted everywhere. Can you guess what phone it is? Yes, it is the newest product of Apple. It’s iPhone 11. The phone specification and features have been believed to be the most credible phone on Earth with high level of security. It was proudly made for those who look for good phones with security and my brother look for it badly. All of his extra money has been saved since a year ago to buy this product. My brother said that he didn’t want to buy the product in installments. His saving money has enabled him to get the product. Now, he happily uses it in his daily life.

I heard from Monica that you also want to buy iPhone 11. Is that true? Has it been landed at your home now? I’m curious about your story. I know exactly that you love technology and you look for good products of laptops and phones. It’s very good if you have iPhone 11 now. Tell me soon. With love, Sara

What is the active form of the sentence “All of his extra money has been saved since a year ago to buy this product.”
A. All of his extra money has been saved to buy this product a year ago by him
B. She has saved his extra money since a year ago to buy this product
C. He had saved his extra money since a year ago to buy this product
D. He has saved his extra money since a year ago to buy this product
E. He have saved his extra money since a year ago to buy this product

Jawaban: D

Kalimat aktif diawali dengan subjek kalimat dan predikat. Karena subjeknya adalah laki-laki (saudara laki-laki Sara), maka kata gantinya menjadi “he”. Predicate dari kalimat tersebut adalah have/has. Karena subjeknya adalah he, maka predikatnya adalah has

20. Read the text below carefully. Then, answer the following questions.

Dear Bambang,

A new phone has been bought by my brother. The phone is hunted everywhere. Can you guess what phone it is? Yes, it is the newest product of Apple. It’s iPhone 11. The phone specification and features have been believed to be the most credible phone on Earth with high level of security. It was proudly made for those who look for good phones with security and my brother look for it badly. All of his extra money has been saved since a year ago to buy this product. My brother said that he didn’t want to buy the product in installments. His saving money has enabled him to get the product. Now, he happily uses it in his daily life.

I heard from Monica that you also want to buy iPhone 11. Is that true? Has it been landed at your home now? I’m curious about your story. I know exactly that you love technology and you look for good products of laptops and phones. It’s very good if you have iPhone 11 now. Tell me soon. With love, Sara

What can we say about Bambang?
A. Bambang likes engineer
B. Bambang likes technology
C. Bambang cannot afford iPhone 11
D. Bambang is a very selective person
E. Bambang doesn’t like phones

Jawaban: B

Jawaban tersebut sesuai dengan kalimat “I know exactly that you love technology and you look for good products of laptops and phones.” Paragraf 2

21. Read the text below carefully. Then, answer the following questions. ....

Nowadays, many people play online games including students. There are some reasons that cause them playing games. In addition, there are some advantages and disadvantages of playing games.

Some students in a regency in Indonesia appealed their reasons to play online games. They said that they play games because they were tired and bored of doing the school activities. In result, they played games to entertain themselves. The other reason was that the students who did not play online games were considered not up to date. They were considered difficult to have friends at school because they didn’t play online games (Eksananda, 2017).

Based on that reasons, there are some advantages of playing games. According to Dyson (2008) playing games is considered safer for those living in an urban area with high violence cases. This is because if they play outside, there are big possibilities of being the victims of crime. In addition, online games can also become an entertainment after doing some tiring and boring activities.

However, playing online games also bring more disadvantages than the advantages. Playing online games can cause addiction to the people who play it. Online games provide interesting music, layout and characters that make the player cannot easily give up on playing. Another bad effect on playing online games is that it can bring hallucination for those who play for long time. The worse effect is that students can physically get tired and get difficulty to study at school or doing homework because they play games for too long. In result, their achievement at school may decrease (Eksananda, 2017).

Reference: Eksananda, I.D.P. 2017. Causes and Effects of Online Video Game Playing among Junior-Senior High School Students in Malang East Java: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture: UNNES JOURNALS.

What is the best title for the text above?
A. The advantages of playing games for students
B. The disadvantages of playing online games for students
C. How online games effect students
D. How to play online games
E. How to be away of online games

Jawaban: C

Teks di atas menjelaskan tentang bagaimana online games berpengaruh pada siswa. Online games mempunyai dampak positif dan negatif. Selain itu, terdapat beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi siswa untuk bermain online games

22. Read the text below carefully. Then, answer the following questions. ....

Nowadays, many people play online games including students. There are some reasons that cause them playing games. In addition, there are some advantages and disadvantages of playing games.

Some students in a regency in Indonesia appealed their reasons to play online games. They said that they play games because they were tired and bored of doing the school activities. In result, they played games to entertain themselves. The other reason was that the students who did not play online games were considered not up to date. They were considered difficult to have friends at school because they didn’t play online games (Eksananda, 2017).

Based on that reasons, there are some advantages of playing games. According to Dyson (2008) playing games is considered safer for those living in an urban area with high violence cases. This is because if they play outside, there are big possibilities of being the victims of crime. In addition, online games can also become an entertainment after doing some tiring and boring activities.

However, playing online games also bring more disadvantages than the advantages. Playing online games can cause addiction to the people who play it. Online games provide interesting music, layout and characters that make the player cannot easily give up on playing. Another bad effect on playing online games is that it can bring hallucination for those who play for long time. The worse effect is that students can physically get tired and get difficulty to study at school or doing homework because they play games for too long. In result, their achievement at school may decrease (Eksananda, 2017).

Reference: Eksananda, I.D.P. 2017. Causes and Effects of Online Video Game Playing among Junior-Senior High School Students in Malang East Java: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture: UNNES JOURNALS.

What is the advantage of playing online games?
A. The players do not feel excited to play
B. The players are happy to play it
C. The players feel bored to play
D. The players are addicted to play
E. The players feel tired to play

Jawaban: B

Jawaban tersebut didukung dengan kalimat “In result, they played games to entertain themselves.” Paragraf 2 dan kalimat “In addition, online games can also become an entertainment after doing some tiring and boring activities.” Paragraf 3. Sesuai dengan kalimat tersebut, kelebihan dari bermain game adalah untuk menghibur diri dari kebosanan dan aktivitas melelahkan di sekolah

23. Read the text below carefully. Then, answer the following questions. ....

Nowadays, many people play online games including students. There are some reasons that cause them playing games. In addition, there are some advantages and disadvantages of playing games. Some students in a regency in Indonesia appealed their reasons to play online games. They said that they play games because they were tired and bored of doing the school activities. In result, they played games to entertain themselves. The other reason was that the students who did not play online games were considered not up to date. They were considered difficult to have friends at school because they didn’t play online games (Eksananda, 2017).

Based on that reasons, there are some advantages of playing games. According to Dyson (2008) playing games is considered safer for those living in an urban area with high violence cases. This is because if they play outside, there are big possibilities of being the victims of crime. In addition, online games can also become an entertainment after doing some tiring and boring activities.

However, playing online games also bring more disadvantages than the advantages. Playing online games can cause addiction to the people who play it. Online games provide interesting music, layout and characters that make the player cannot easily give up on playing. Another bad effect on playing online games is that it can bring hallucination for those who play for long time. The worse effect is that students can physically get tired and get difficulty to study at school or doing homework because they play games for too long. In result, their achievement at school may decrease (Eksananda, 2017).

Reference: Eksananda, I.D.P. 2017. Causes and Effects of Online Video Game Playing among Junior-Senior High School Students in Malang East Java: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture: UNNES JOURNALS.

After reading the text above, what should the readers do?
A. Limit the time to play online games
B. Continue playing until they are tired
C. Read a manual about how to play online games
D. Suggest friends to play games often
E. Play games until they forget to eat

Jawaban: A

Setelah membaca teks di atas, pembaca seharusnya membatasi waktu bermain mereka karena bermain game terlalu lama membawa dampak yang buruk bagi mereka

24. Read the text below carefully. Then, answer the following questions. ....

Nowadays, many people play online games including students. There are some reasons that cause them playing games. In addition, there are some advantages and disadvantages of playing games. Some students in a regency in Indonesia appealed their reasons to play online games. They said that they play games because they were tired and bored of doing the school activities. In result, they played games to entertain themselves. The other reason was that the students who did not play online games were considered not up to date. They were considered difficult to have friends at school because they didn’t play online games (Eksananda, 2017).

Based on that reasons, there are some advantages of playing games. According to Dyson (2008) playing games is considered safer for those living in an urban area with high violence cases. This is because if they play outside, there are big possibilities of being the victims of crime. In addition, online games can also become an entertainment after doing some tiring and boring activities.

However, playing online games also bring more disadvantages than the advantages. Playing online games can cause addiction to the people who play it. Online games provide interesting music, layout and characters that make the player cannot easily give up on playing. Another bad effect on playing online games is that it can bring hallucination for those who play for long time. The worse effect is that students can physically get tired and get difficulty to study at school or doing homework because they play games for too long. In result, their achievement at school may decrease (Eksananda, 2017).

Reference: Eksananda, I.D.P. 2017. Causes and Effects of Online Video Game Playing among Junior-Senior High School Students in Malang East Java: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture: UNNES JOURNALS.

The statements below are incorrect, EXCEPT ...
A. Students hate online games
B. Students do not play online games
C. Online games only give bad impacts to students
D. Online games only give good impacts to students E. Playing online games for a limited period of time is good for students

Jawaban: E

Jawaban tersebut didapat setelah menyimpulkan teks di atas. Karena bermain game dalam waktu yang tidak terlalu lama bisa memberi dampak yang baik, maka bermain game dalam waktu yang dibatasi baik untuk siswa

25. Read the text below carefully. Then, answer the following questions. ....

Nowadays, many people play online games including students. There are some reasons that cause them playing games. In addition, there are some advantages and disadvantages of playing games.

Some students in a regency in Indonesia appealed their reasons to play online games. They said that they play games because they were tired and bored of doing the school activities. In result, they played games to entertain themselves. The other reason was that the students who did not play online games were considered not up to date. They were considered difficult to have friends at school because they didn’t play online games (Eksananda, 2017).

Based on that reasons, there are some advantages of playing games. According to Dyson (2008) playing games is considered safer for those living in an urban area with high violence cases. This is because if they play outside, there are big possibilities of being the victims of crime. In addition, online games can also become an entertainment after doing some tiring and boring activities.

However, playing online games also bring more disadvantages than the advantages. Playing online games can cause addiction to the people who play it. Online games provide interesting music, layout and characters that make the player cannot easily give up on playing. Another bad effect on playing online games is that it can bring hallucination for those who play for long time. The worse effect is that students can physically get tired and get difficulty to study at school or doing homework because they play games for too long. In result, their achievement at school may decrease (Eksananda, 2017).

Reference: Eksananda, I.D.P. 2017. Causes and Effects of Online Video Game Playing among Junior-Senior High School Students in Malang East Java: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture: UNNES JOURNALS.

The word “urban” is opposite to ...
A. City
B. Remote
C. Town
D. Village
E. Crowded

Jawaban: B

Lawan kata dari urban adalah remote

Demikianlah yang dapat admin bagikan tentang beberapa contoh soal yang berkaitan dengan mata pelajaran tersebut di atas. Semoga contoh soal yang admin bagikan kali ini dapat membantu anak didik dalam memahami soal-soal yang diujikan di sekolah. Dan harapannya, soal-soal ini dapat memberikan dampak positif yang baik bagi perkembangan dan kemajuan belajar anak didik dalam mengerjakan soal-soal yang diujikan oleh Bapak dan Ibu Guru di sekolah. Selamat belajar dan semoga kalian menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik, cerdas, dan kompetitif. Sekian dan terima kasih.

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